Meatyballs goes limp, Foss erects storefront

2 Posted by - November 29, 2011 - Gossip


Thinking about starting up a food truck? Don’t say Phillip Foss didn’t give you fair warning if the thing falls apart Black Star’s comeback album. Quoth Foss: “Years back while living the single life on Maui I developed a little gambling problem. I would almost recommend this or day trading as a safer place to put your money. Bottom line is that it’s a crap shoot and a helluva lotta work on top of it.” So, that sucks.

Foss is back these days, with El Ideas, a tiny, 16-seat bricks-and-mortar joint he opened with Andrew Brochu. Dinner sounds like a small dinner party, where everyone eats from the same “progressive tasting menu” at the same time. Read Mike Sula’s take here.

We’re not gonna lie: this sounds fun as hell. Tiny spaces make consumption more delicious (see: Great Lake Pizza, The Matchbox, The Diner Grill, etc.). Fair warning, Foss: we’re rolling through with a crew.

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