What the Hell Just Happened?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Bacon Chase for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

So the Bacon Chase has come and gone, as does Chicago Glutton’s first attempt at whoring itself out for server money. Someone’s gotta bring home the bacon as they say.

Anyway. . .

So the bacon chase actually is something I’ll never forget, for a few reasons:

1. It was the most amount of cooked bacon I’ve ever seen in my life.

Seriously, we’re taking enough bacon to feed literally thousands of crazy people. And I’m not joking when I say crazy people. People celebrated this shit out of this thing, it was almost to the burning-man level, just a bit nerdier. Definitley some good people watching.

IMG_20140607_090007 Salty strips, as far as the eye can see.

2. There were the most bloody mary’s that I’ve ever seen in my life.
As an American, you need to respect this level of excess.

IMG_20140607_085740 There’s a lot of beauty here.

3. The bacon fever thing is really out of control.

Sure you see bacon everything at every tchotchke store out there, but until you see several thousand people chanting bacon, while dressed as bacon, eating unlmited bacon you really feel how out of hand this has escalated. Will it go pop? I honestly don’t think so.

IMG_20140607_085658 The pink tutu’s were everywhere and I don’t understand why.

4. The Bacon Chase sound guys.

IMG_20140607_091230 As John described them: “These two look like they just rushed the third-base coach at Comisky.”

If you’re in the Minneapolis area and you want to check out the next iteration at Lake Nokomis Park on June 19th, check out the website here: Minneapolis Bacon Chase   Or to see if it’s going to go down near you, check out: Bacon Chase Locations.

It might just be the strangest 50 minutes you spend this year.

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By roy

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