Back in the 1920’s, Fred R. Barnard jacked the adage A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words from an old Chinese proverb. Now, like 40 Acres and a Mule, Gluttons are taking that shit back.
Yea, that’s right, we started a Flickr group for you to get down like Julie Brown n’ shit. Its time for yall to show us what else we should be eating…not just in Chicago, but Worldwide.
Currently, we have three classifications for the CG group: the Foodfuckas, the Foodfuckery Scholars, and the Porkers. You gotta earn your Chicago Gluttons Pro Status youngins, thus more flicks move you further up the Ladder of Gluttony. UPDATE: The most delicious foodfuckery flicks will be featured on the CG sight and move you further up the Ladder of Gluttony. Think of it like your daily grind, only much kooler.
The Chicago Gluttons Flickr Group:

Gluttony: Derived from the Latin gluttire meaning to gulp down or swallow, means over-indulgence and over-consumption of food, drink, or intoxicants to the point of waste. In some Christian denominations, it is considered one of the seven deadly sins—a misplaced desire of food or its withholding from the needy. Gluttony is not universally considered a sin; depending on the culture, it can be seen as either a vice or a sign of status.
We are a Nation of fat bastards. Some folks, fat on the inside, skinny on the outside. Most folks, fat both places. Regardless of your fatrolls or lack thereof, Chicago Gluttons need you to celebrate in the gluttony and keep consuming hella cuisine.
The premise of the group is simple: eat food and take pictures of it. YOU DONT NEED TO BE FROM CHICAGO TO POST; its just our HQ. Don’t lock up those images of villagers in Juba serving up goat stew or kats in Hong Kong roasting puppies. Hells yea, we get down wit James Beard! WE WANT IT ALL. The more food you can fit into the frame, the more delicious for all. Whatever you shoot, that shit betta taste good, or we will rip your asshole out.
“three classifications for the CG group: the Foodfuckas, the Foodfuckery Scholars, and the Porkers. You gotta earn your Chicago Gluttons Pro Status youngins, thus more flicks move you further up the Ladder of Gluttony. Think of it like your daily grind, only much kooler.”
This works just like the Church of Scientology. If I post a lot of pix can fuck katie holmes?
Jimmy-We’ve only got an in with Shelley Duvall. Strap up tight.
Is that a picture of Shelley’s — aka Olive Oil’s — privatest parts?
we don’t roast dogs in hong kong. The dog roasting is on the mainland, but we get sent the fur directly from the restaurant (which is also acting as the slaughterhouse).