Hands off my pastrami, son!

So, today, for the fourth time in the last two weeks, I ate a pastrami sandwich from JB’s Deli in Andersonville. This is a delicious sandwich: dark rye bread piled high with warm Vienna Beef pastrami and a bit of brown mustard. There’s no reason to ever eat Subway when sandwiches like this exist. Chicago’s not exactly known as a deli town, so when I find places like these I cling to them.

By john

One thought on “Hands off my pastrami, son!”
  1. I love JB’s Deli or Gordanos or Pudgies . .or whatever they are called. The woman in there told me that they are one of the only authentic Jewish deli’s on the north side. My advice: try getting a scoop of egg salad on your pastrami sandwich next time!

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