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How do you officially kick summer off?  If you’ve ever been to a Eastern European pig roast, you don’t need to ask that question.

Ask chef Dan Kordula how long hes been roasting pig and he’ll respond with a chuckle.  A native of the Czech Republic, Dan is quick to explain that he was grilling swine back in the old word.  Now, more than 10 years deep into his Americanized version of the classic pig roast, one quickly understands that Dan knows exactly what the fuck he’s doing.  While prepping the meat, he compiles a mixture of butter, white onions, and mushrooms for the sautee pan.  When I inquired as to what he planned to do with the veggie concoction, and he states that the blend melds with the pork and “will help us drink more beer.”  I salute your life philosophy, Dan.


Dan’s story of how he came to roast pig in Chicago is more complex than the top kill on the Deep Water Horizon.  And what great stories they are.  From the branding, to the licensing, to locking in a solid pig farmer, Dan is animated about  his labor of love and why he wants to make this business a reality.  As he takes a pull of his chilled pilsner, he entertains the masses with a thick accent and penetrating eyes.  Dan laments, “to get logo approved, I had to contact old man in Europe who made initial design, I found out I just needed to make few changes.  Then, I go to marketing company and they tell me it cost $1,300.00 to do work.  I say no way, doode.  I call my buddy in Czech Republic, he says he can do it in couple hours for $60 bucks.”  Dan Kordula is a phenomenon.


As to the swine divine, the roast is definitely the highest level a pig will ever reach.  It’s Clark Kent after he makes his costume change…it’s Jeff Goldblum when he finally becomes The Fly.  When Dan takes the pig off the spit, you quickly realize whats good.  He begins pulling and grabbing meat like a teenage boy buffing one out.  The crackle of the skin and succulent fat and meat come falling off in one fell swoop.

"60 inches of sheer pleasure"
After a few bites, all things make sense.  I devour my first plate and quickly run back for seconds as if the apocalypse was near.  I felt like the chosen one; like that Dutch boy on Afriqiyah Airlines Flight 771.  As the Chicago food truck debate continues to gain heat, Dan’s pig roast bidness comes in at an opportune time.  Although Dan will be focused on private parties, he says anything is possible.  Imagine ole boy slow roasting outside of your neighborhood pub or music venue…its possible that Dan just might save your life.

By d

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