Spaghetti and Meatballs at Glenn’s Diner
Ciao Bello Motherfuckers, today I want to talk to you about pasta. For years, I’ve been searching for the perfect spaghetti and meatballs. Not some fancy ass Slagel Farms Anti-Biotic Free, Carbon Neutral, Organic Meatball horse pucky. . . I want that salty carb bomb that cartoon italians throw out the back door for the strays. Some doggy first date shit.

I’d order Spaghetti and Meatballs at almost any restaurant, for science. I’ve had it at Golden Nugget, I’ve killed it at Michaels, I’ve nearly choked on it twice at Sabatinos (wow, what a shitty site you have there Sabatinos). Shit, I used to get it by the bucket at Avanti’s in Normal, IL. Treat that shit like groceries. Everytime I’d walk by the fridge, I had to pay toll with two cold ass bites straight from the tub. I’m a diabetic now.
But the ultimate spaghetti and meatballs in Chicago is served somewhere you’d least expect. Think seafood, think cereal, think mindbogglingly slow yet friendly service.
Glenn’s fucking Diner. Gotdamn.
I know that Glenn’s is considered a rock solid seafood diner, but to me, it’s an exclusive, underground spaghetti and meatball restaurant that just happens to serve breakfast and seafood to throw off the squares. Just look at this shit, I want to take a nap in it.

The meatballs are flavorful but not over powering, the sauce is fresh yet slightly sweet. But the noodles. The God Damn noodles. How the hell do they cook the God Damn noodles!? È pur troppo vero! They top off this masterpiece off with 2 carefully woven slices of butter bomb garlic bread, which I treat as Italian naan. Grab a piece and scoop up some spaghetti, but remember to only use your right hand.

What more can I say? Glenns brings the pain once again, is there anything this restaurant can’t do?
Looks like a pile of shit.
Similar, but not exactly:
For great Italian (and some impromptu entertainment like a makeshift fashion show while you’re slobbing down your tortellini), you guys have to check out Tocco. I’m not sure he does spaghetti and meatballs but his other pasta dishes, fried calamari and pizzas are amazing. Make sure you meet the owner, Bruno. He is the guy who used to own Follia. Seriously, go check it out. Now!
the RIB special is also kosher in my book