Tweet – What Would Grilled-Cheesus Do?

Every time I read a review about Tweet, I think about overrated egg shack – Le Peep. For some reason my brain can’t accept that they are both independent, unrelated restaurants (aside from the onomatopoeia.) Because of this misunderstanding, I missed out on what I will definitively say is

The Motherfuckin’ Best Weekday Breakfast in the Edgewater / Andersonville area.

Now I know all you M.Henry fanatics are getting your tempeh panties in a bunch, take a sniff of patchouli and answer this question. Can you get Benedict on a Tuesday afternoon at M.Henry? Can you name one place in Andersonville / Edgewater that has hollandaise sauce . . . on a weekday? If you know of one, lmk and I will eat my words (as well as the hollandaise.)

Crab Cake Benedict – Notice the extra pool of dipping hollandaise.

This picture is scratch and sniff, go ahead try it.

Florentine. Hold my ankles so I can go lawnmower style on this shit.

But it isn’t just Benedict availability that makes this The Motherfuckin’ Best Breakfast in Edgewater / Andersonville, Tweet excels because:

* The menu is big, real big. You aren’t going to order everything in 3 visits. (M.Henry, where you at? You’ve had the same menu since you opened . .I can recite the thing for crying out loud!)

* The location is crazy. The area is lively to say the least and you got Argyle st. Head right around the corner and stop in to La Patisserie P. Buy $3 worth of curry chicken buns. You’ll thank me at lunchtime.

* The specials. If you want to keep me coming you gotta keep it fresh. These aren’t just some bullshit omelet with an extra ingredient (m.what?) we’re talking things like the dankest Corn Arepas, the silliest Country Benedict . . you know breakfast that you aren’t going to make at home.

Country Benedict – For all you red state motherfuckas.

Corn Arepas – Seriously, it’s as delicious as it looks.

Side car of Chorizo & Beans with the Arepas. Invest in Tucks Medicated Pads.

The List Contd:

* The bad ass wait staff. After visit two, we were regulars and treated to complimentary delicious fruit cups and sweet cake. Our server, Theodoro (Ted) is quite possibly the nicest server in Illinois.

* Outdoor Seating. Though this is limited, it exists and if you are a weekday breakfast person like us, then it shouldn’t be a problem.

* The god damn grilled cheese, my current favorite food item in the world.

“Wait a second! A grilled cheese? What did you join a sorority? Show some taste! You’re half Dominican for Christ’s sake!”

I know, I know. Similar to the time I saw UFOs, convincing the people around me of this is going to be a hard sell. (true story on the ufo btw, scary shit.)

Anyway, I first saw the grilled cheese when I was eating the Florentine pictured below. A 5 year old girl was eating it and it looked enormous in her nasty little hands. I kept glancing up at the sandwich like I was checking out the hot girl in 8th grade. Finally, as if the 5 year old knew I was envious, she said, “This is a damn good grilled cheese mom!” (I love Chicago.)

That clinched it. I was getting that sandwich. It was the smartest decision of my entire life.

Ready to meet Cheesus Christ? Order the Grilled Cheese Sandwich – on Texas Toast – if you have the balls.

By roy

5 thoughts on “Tweet – What Would Grilled-Cheesus Do?”
  1. I’m an M Henry fan, but I’ve got my tempeh panties all unbunched for sure. I’ve never tried this place before, but I love crab-cake benedict. I had an amazing one at wishbone that they served with dill dijon sauce. i’m still drooling.

    Thanks for the interesting read!

  2. Okay….tweet’s breakfast is good…BUT. I have a huge problem with one specific item on the menu: the Aebleskiver. Apparently the owner or chef is Danish and makes these in her grandmother’s aebleskiver pan from Denmark. I too am Danish and make my own aebleskiver in my grandmother’s aebleskiver pan from Denmark. I don’t know much, but I know a few things about aebleskiver. So, I hate to break it to you, but the “aebleskiver” served at Tweet are nothing more than heavy, dry, brick-like, doughnut holes. Combine these with a slingshot and you can do some real damage. They aren’t even bad aebleskiver- they just aren’t aebleskiver at all! Aebleskiver like a light, fluffy swedish pancake-ball type of thing. These are awful and I’m sad that Chicagoans get these and think they’re getting a real traditional Danish treat.
    Other than that, I had a good breakfast at tweet. Not noteworthy, but good. Our server was super friendly… definitely a little strange… but super friendly…I suppose that’s another story entirely. So the bottom line is: Tweet has a good breakfast, but stay away from the aebleskiver.

  3. oh roy. you are amazing. i hope i see you before i leave. and i hope you ride elephants at your wedding.
    also, i really like that photo of flylice and the grilled cheesus.

  4. duck, chick, organic…it’s all good at Tweets. The best “good-for-you” food on the Northside. Come for Friday night dinner; you will not be disappointed, and you’ll come back every week. Comfort and diner, meets fine dining at Tweets!

  5. I friggin love Tweet – plus it’s next to Big Chicks – do yourself a favor and get a bloody mary there pre-feast – seriously their portions are ginormous. That chorizo is amazeballs, and the egg croissandwitch – melt in your mouthgasm. btw – sorry for all the made up words. Enjoy!

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