
You really want to talk to these jibronis?


Spam away:

25 thoughts on “Contact”
  1. HI.. I really enjoyed your website/blog and was wondering if you are a group of people who go out to restaurants regularly. If so, I would be interested in joing your group. Please contact me!



  2. Blatant plug for my site ( in addition to expressions of love for yours. Your site’s a refreshingly asskicking, foodloving, gloriously written group of articles–makes most other Chi-town food critics look as dry as the Sahara in comparison.

    Oh, and also, you should know about BaconFest Chicago, coming Oct. 25 to the Stan Mansion in Logan Square.

  3. I’ve so fallen in love with you guys. And congrats on the NewCity cover. It rocks.


    When you review a place could you include an address? Sure I could type in “Blah-Blah-Blah Restaurant” and “Chicago” into Google, but I’m an intrinsically lazy bastard.

    Thanks! And keep up the good works!

  4. I love Roli’s Mexican Restaurant on 5004 N. Sheridan, Argyle and Sheridan. I eat there all the time. The atmosphere is cultural and cozy. The service is fast and everyone is exceptionally nice and knowledgeable. The prices are also reasonable. They even serve breakfast food. Not to mention it’s at a convenient location, right off the Argyle Red line stop, perfect for CTA travelers or students. They deliver too!! (773)728-6200

  5. Where the hell is the next review? 21 days is far too fuckin long to have to wait to read another review by CG. Hell, I live in Florida and discovered your site a little over 3 weeks ago and have read every review posted. Some of it is funny as hell, I even turned my brother (who lives in Texas) on to it. I’m a foodie like the CG’s so the food writing mixed with a fresh non-pretentious approach make it a very interesting read. One day I’ll get my happy ass to Chicago and dine on some of this. Keep up the gluttonous life.

  6. Hey man,
    Love the site!!! You put me on to Glenn’s Diner All You Can Eat Crab and I have been forever indebted to you. I guess I lack concern for your health but you need a few more reviews more often – I am running out of places to eat. Let me join the squad and spread this fat ass news. I know you don’t go ape shit over burgers but Hackney’s is an experience that you need to tell some folks about.

    Get at Me,

  7. Hey Im into food blogs and just discovered yours, funny as! entertainment with all the food porn love it!
    Im from Aussie land so unfortunately I cannot go to any of these places you blog about 🙁 but its still a great read and a nice visual feast of foods.


  8. Howdy Gluttons,
    You have any recommendations for good, or even mediocre, egg rolls in Chicago? I haven’t scoured the city, by any means, and I know egg rolls aren’t culinarily cool or anything but tasty ones seem hard to find.

  9. Dear Gluttons.

    I had the misfortune of visiting the Urbanspoon leaderboard this morning to see that we had been unceremoniously knocked from 3rd place into the medal-less dung heap of 4th place. I also have several unconfirmed headset reports that we were teabagged while we were down. Of course this inspired a rage inside me with the intensity of 1000 blue suns, however, after visiting your blog it has simmered. For if Johnny can hand a trophy to Daniel after a crane-kick to the face, perhaps I too can acknowledge a worthy opponent.

    P.S. I hate you. I’m going to eat your children.

    CPC Ryan

  10. Hey Guys-
    First off, congrats on the TOL win. Been reading your blog before the win.

    Anyway, wondering if you guys know a spot to get some good west indies Roti in Chicago? Man do I love me some Roti and wish I can have it from time to time in the Chi instead of having to wait to go to the islands for it or Miami.



  11. OH SHIT, OUR FIRST HOT SAUCE SPAM, I had to let this through:

    Phenomenal site. As an exiled Chicagoan in Miami, I miss the deliciously artery-clogging food choices… and the great neighborhood feeling as well.
    Just thought I’d proposed an intensely delicious Caribbean sauce I came about that gives a good kick to meats, soups, pizza…… check it out at It’s really good stuff.

  12. @ DMFDubs: Kow Kow’s egg rolls are damn good, the other appetizers are tasty as well, and the umbrella laden-booze dranks is too damn cheap as well, but their entrees all taste the fuckin’ same.

    The General Tsao’s chicken eerily tastes like the Kung Pao chicken, that tastes suspiciously like the Sweet and Sour Pork which mysteriously tastes like the Mongolian Beef.

    So if you don’t want to leave the city limits (and I can’t quite say that I’d blame you), go to Sun Wah. Take the Red Line to Argyle, get off and walk west half a block to Broadway, then half a block north to Sun Wah (5039 N Broadway, (773) 769-1254). ‎

    Do yourself a solid, and call ahead the day before to reserve a duck. When you get there, order an order or two of the egg rolls, and the off menu “Duck Dinner”. You’ll maybe wait about 45 for some of the best chopped duck, duck soup and duck fried rice you have ever put in your cheese pipe.

  13. Guys thanks for the comment plug!!! Haha! I wasn’t expecting it. I’d like to send you a sample so you can enjoy the sauce for yourselves. It’s not the typical cayenne-based sauce. I think you’ll love what it does to food. Please send me a mailing address and I will gladly send you some.


  14. this is the best shi* i’ve ever seen. i tried to do my own food blog, complete with food porn and gastrorgasm designations, but it fell by the wayside. i was striving to be like chicagogluttons without knowing it. your reviews sound a lot like the shi* that goes through my head when eating. fu*cking love you.

  15. What happened to the Gluttons?
    I sincerely miss your taste (and lack-thereof).
    I had been hoping you just took a short break, but now I’m getting seriously worried.

    Thanks for all you’re done so far.

    I wish you all the best.

    1. Don’t worry MicD, we have a few things in the chamber that should be coming out soon. We miss Gluttons too and plan on making a very fat comeback. Thanks for the kind words!

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