Closest Thing to Cup o’ Pizza

1 Posted by - July 17, 2007 - Things We've Eaten

This year at The Taste of Chicago I was walking past the Connies Pizza Booth when I noticed this sign:

Kono Pizza @ The Taste of Chicago 2007

“Holy Shit, a pizza cone!” was my first thought. Without hesitation, I presented the vendor with a fist full of food tickets.

“I’m one of the lucky ones”, I thought . . . Few people in the world have had an opportunity like this. I’d be a fool to let such an opportunity pass by. This is something I can tell my children about.

And think of the practical applications! For the first time in history you could make a toast with your pizza and not look silly:

To Pizza!

I was in for a treat . . . or was I? (no)

Everything about the pizza cone rules, except for the taste. Imagine a slice of public school hot-lunch pizza pureed and spackled into cone shaped hot-pocket quality crust. Still better than Domino’s . . but sadly I don’t think science has perfected the pizza-cone just yet.

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